150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting May 18, 2011


The Homeowners Association Meeting held on May 18, 2011 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners Association was called to order at 7:30pm by President Dawn Lucian. Present were Board Members Bettina Johnson, Lynn Nichols, and Carey Rogers; Manager Karel De Veer, Tim Hodgson and five homeowners.

1. Minutes of meeting held on April 20, 2011 meeting were approved.

2.Karel de Veer gave the financial report. For April we are at 99.7% net income and 89.12% total expense. Our water use is down because of higher than normal rainfall and we were at 68% of water cost for April. Year to date income is at 100.1% and expenses are 93.7% of budget.

3. No items to discuss.

4. Architectural change requests:
a. 5062A Calle Real – Hand railing – Approved

5. Proposed Goleta Water District Increase: Carey investigated the requirements for a protest and it was confirmed that 50% of the parcel owners in the district would have to file a written protest for the increase to be reconsidered by the district. Even with the cooperation of all the South Coast Condominium Associations, this would not meet the criteria. Karel reported that at the last meeting of their association, it was discussed and dismissed as not worth pursuing.

a. An expenditure of $589.38 for new keys to the recreation area was approved. The office will issue one numbered key to each unit and maintain a list so we can keep track of the keys. If a unit requires a second key, the charge will be $10.00 and it will also be registered.
b. Effective July 1st, MarBorg Industries will take over the trash collection per their agreement with the County of Santa Barbara. Our monthly rate for trash collection will go down to $20.03 but they will only collect one can once a week. Recycling will be provided at no cost and will still be collected bi-weekly. If a homeowner requires a second trash can, it will be provided for an additional cost of $3.23 per month. MarBorg will also provide a free annual pickup of large items such as furniture or appliances.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Secretary