150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting November 16, 2011


The Homeowners Association Meeting held on November 16, 2011 meeting
was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President Dawn Lucian. Present were
Board Members Peter Sturken, Lynn Nichols, Bettina Johnson and Carey Rogers; Manager Karel De Veer and six homeowners.

Peter Sturken announced that he was resigning from the Board effective
immediately. He will not be able to attend meetings and serve in the coming
year. The Board thanked Peter for his service and expressed regrets at his

The Board unanimously elected new officers for 2012 as follows: President,
Dawn Lucian; Vice-President, Carey Rogers; Secretary, Lynn Nichols;
Treasurer, Bettina Johnson.
Minutes of the October 19, 2011 meeting were approved.

2. Lynn Nichols gave the financial report. Our income for October is at 99.5% and expenses were 77.9% of budget. For July 2010 through October
2011, our income is at 99.4% and total expense is at 80.7%.
No items to report.
We received one architectural change request from 5110B Calle Real
for a new front door. Request approved.
a) Board positions reported above. The date for December’s meeting
was changed to the 14th because the 3rd Wednesday is four days before Christmas.
b) We have received 20 ballots to date for the changes to the CC&Rs. The Board members will be available to make phone calls and contact homeowners if necessary to get a quorum.

6. The Holiday Party is scheduled for December 16th.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Board Secretary