150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting December 14, 2011


The Homeowners Association Meeting held on December 14, 2011 was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President Dawn Lucian. Present were Board Members Lynn Nichols, Bettina Johnson and Carey Rogers; Manager Karel de Veer and six homeowners.
Minutes of the November 16, 2011 meeting were approved.

2. Bettina Johnson, Treasurer, reported actual SAV expenses for July through November are on target with budget estimates for this time of year: our income is at 99.5% and expenses at 88.8%.
Year-to-date over budget accounts:
#455 Employee benefits 119.8%: for a quarterly health plan payment.
#479 Pool 146%: licensing fees and supplies usually charged over consecutive months came due all at once.
#502 Utilities 118%: during shorter Fall days through November pool is heated with gas.
#665 Legal fees 240%: for consultation, research and preparation of proposed changes to CC & Rs.
Year-to-date under budget accounts:
705 Capital Maintenance 14.6%: funds are being held until we slurry our road
asphalt in summer.

Congratulations to our multitalented supervisor Tim Hodgson and his hard working crew on saving at least 25% of the cost of our Recreation room patio refurbishment: in-house labor jack hammered and removed the concrete, demolished the fence, installed framing for new concrete and replanted the area; leaving only tree removal and concrete pouring to outside contractors.

3. No items to report.

4. No architectural requests were received. The question of whether installing a water softener required Board approval was asked. The manager indicated that no Board approval was required.

5. a) Bettina congratulated Tim and the gardening crew for the outstanding work that they had done in refurbishing the patio area. The work done “in house” lowered the cost of the project substantially.
b) The Holiday Party was declared a success.

6. a) After discussion of the strong qualifications of the two SAV owners who volunteered for the vacant Board position, Elisabeth Blair and Jeff Litherhand, it was decided as follows: Lynn Nichols offered to resign from the Board to make room for two new highly qualified volunteers. The Board agreed to her resignation (with regret) and to the appointment of Elisabeth and Jeff, who it was agreed, will bring new energy, enthusiasm and diversity to the Board. Elisabeth agreed to act a Secretary.
b) The ballots for the proposed changes to the CC&Rs were opened and tabulated by Pat Cox. She announced the following results: 105 yes/approve, 13 no/disapprove, 2 mismarked ballots. The proposed change did not receive 75% (114 votes) need for approval. The Board instructed the manager to contact the Association’s attorney determine if would could extend the time period for receiving ballots, or if there were any other avenues open to the Association to enact the proposed changes, such as adding them to the Rules and Regulations.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn Nichols, Board Secretary