150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting March 21, 2012


The Homeowners Association meeting held on March 21, 2012 was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Dawn Lucian. Present were Board Members Carey Rogers, Bettina Johnson, Elizabeth Blair, and Jeff Litherland; Manager Karel deVeer, Tim Hodgson, and three homeowners.

Minutes of the February 15, 2012, meeting were approved as amended. [Change: Litherhand to Litherland]

2. Financial Report a. Treasurer Bettina Johnson gave the financial report. For the year to date our total income is at 99.6% and total expense is 88.3% of budget. Categories over and under budget are normal seasonal fluctuations. Line item 606 is a bad debt of $3,816 for nine months of Association dues on a foreclosed property. There have been a total of four foreclosures this year. The property in question is the only one where the Association suffered a loss of dues.

b. Manager Karel de Veer explained that large projects, like the new clubhouse patio, are charged to capital projects. . Line item 465 was General is 55% under budget year to date because the majority of maintenance work has been charged to Capital Maintenance.

c. Line Item 401 Grounds/Landscaping is 19% over budget year to date because of a two-week long project by Mesa tree that included work scheduled for later in the year

3. Assessments, income, expenses, budget management, maintenance, and repair of the Development Manager Karel de Veer recommended that SAV HOA transfer $200,000 from the account at Rabobank to a money market account at Community West Bank. The new investment will be based on the prime interest rate, which is currently .08%. A motion to approve was made by Carey Rogers, seconded by Bettina Johnson, and unanimously approved by the Board.

4. Architectural Change Requests Exterior utility door at 15-B North San Marcos Road was approved. Front door and screen at 25-A North San Marcos Road was approved. Air conditioning unit on flat roof of 47-A was approved. Front door at 5074-A Calle Real was approved.

Old Business: Long range plan for SAV trees Manager Karel de Veer reported that the liquid amber trees that are scattered around the property are 35 years old and need to be replaced. The arborist recommendation is that 6-8 trees per year are replaced, at a cost of $1,000-$1,200 per tree. The grass lawns also need to be replaced in the coming years. Karel recommends that SAV HOA set aside $10,000 per year specifically for landscaping, beginning this fiscal year 2012-2013.

New Business SAV 2012-2013 Budget was unanimously approved including an additional $10,000 for landscaping as mentioned previously. Guidelines for installation of over-the-air reception devices After working with homeowners and local companies regarding appropriate placement for such devices, Karel de Veer recognized there is a need for the SAV HOA rules to be more explicit. Karel and Dawn Lucian will create a draft to the rules to present at the April Board meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

Elizabeth Blair, Board Secretary