150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting May 15, 2013


The Homeowners Association Meeting held on May 15, 2013 meeting was called to order at

7:00pm by President Dawn Lucian. Present were Board Members Lynn Nichols , Jeff Litherland,

Bettina Johnson, the manager Karel deVeer and two homeowners.

1. Minutes of the April 17, 2013 meeting were approved with corrections.

2. The treasurer, Bettina Johnson, presented the financial report. We are on target with our capital savings.

3. No architectural change requests.

4. Old Business

County has indicate that the sidewalk is there liability. The county has done minor repairs to the sidewalks on Calle Real. Dawn has requested in writing the County is responsible. Tim Thompson from the Fire Department did a full assessment/survey of the creek and has indicated that the Flood Control district must address the creek brush. The wild willows on top of the road near the housing on the north side of SAV are of the most concern to the Board and management.

5. New business

Carey Rogers has tendered her resignation from the Board and will be leaving the San Antonio Village. The Board would like to recognize her service to San Antonio Village and wish her well.

New candidate Joel Naftali has been accepted as new secretary to the Board.

New signs for the pool have been posted. The new signs are mandated by State law. The lower, west end of the pool has been landscaped and cleared.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted

Karel de Veer