150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, February 21, 2018


The Meeting was called to order by Peter Sturken, Vice-president. Lynn Nichols and Bettina Johnson were in
attendance. Bettina gave the Financial report.

Treasurer’s report, Bettina Johnson

At the end of January 2018 our Total Income stands at 99.9% of our annual budget estimate or $426,761., our Rental Income at $21,000., Total Expenses at 97.2% or $368,599., and Rental Expenses. Our current Net Income is at 117% or $79,162. which is $10,051 over our FY budget estimate.

Capital Fund
705-Capital Maintenance/Landscaping Project: We are in the second phase of three years of this project and with the good weather have just cleared the next of 9-10 planned areas in preparation for drought tolerant plant/lawn replacement. We will also be applying for as much as possible of the Goleta Water District’s financial reimbursement offer for the cost of plants.
705-The Recreation Room improvement effort is progressing very well and will be finished within the next week, so labor and materials costs will appear in the February budget statement.

401-Grounds-Materials figure of 168% of budget reflects Mesa Tree’s invariably very belated billing.

465-Repairs/Maintenance Materials fluctuates seasonally

504 Water-As reported previously SAV domestic water use has historically and continues to be steadily low. But SAV generally has not irrigated lawns from Nov. through March/April. In this 7th year of the drought we have needed to, and thus we are at 117% or $86,113 which is $12,613 over our (drought) budget, which also includes an ongoing 50% surcharge.

The gardeners are continuing to remove lawn sections. Part to the package for working on Goleta is an
additional credit from Goleta, so hopefully we will be reimbursed for plants and the program
is still in effect.

We have a $10,000.00 reserve in the budget 2017-18 budget. This year we may come in over budget because
of water. We also are paying a $.50/$100.00 fixed meter charge as a surcharge on water usage.

The remodel cost of kitchen was in the capital budget. We saved a lot with Tim doing work.
We agreed it has been a great project.

The Financial Report from approved.

The Board reviewed annual insurance quotes and approved staying with State Farm as the carrier was best for the Association, especially because of earthquake coverage.

The Board approved both architectural requests for installing railings on front stairs for the two units (27-A & 37B North san Marcos Rd.)comparable to others in the Association.

Maybe our next project could be new carpeting in the recreation room.

The Manager told us the spa would be closing for a few days for the replacement of the seal.

A suggestion from an owner was that we ask to have a detour sign so people know
to turn on San Marcos, and not dead end on Calle Real.

Peter asked that we has Costco investigate solar panel installation for the Association.
We agreed.

Dawn has written to our Supervisor about clearing the creek at the back of the property.
Our concern would be flooding in the future. We are aware there are lots of requests
before ours, but we should be on the list for the future.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:30.

Submitted by Lynn Nichols, Secretary