150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, October 17, 2018


Dawn Lucian (President), Mike Porter (Secretary), Bettina Johnson (Treasurer) and Lynn Nichols (Member at Large) were in attendance. Manager Karel de Veer, Maintenance Supervisor Kent Harris and two homeowners were also in attendance.

The meeting was called to order by Dawn Lucian at 7:00 P.M.

1) The board agreed to the following positions for the 2018 – 2019 board term. Dawn Lucian (President), Peter Sturken (Vice President), Mike Porter (Secretary), Bettina Johnson (Treasurer) and Lynn Nichols (Member at Large).

2) The minutes from the July 18, 2018 meeting were approved with corrections.

3) Treasurer’s Report: Bettina Johnson

This is the first report of the 2018-19 fiscal year. Our Total Ordinary Income to date is $182,381. or 98.9% of our budget estimate; our Total Other (Rental) Income is $9,000 or 100%; our Total Ordinary Expenses came to $171,678. or 103.3%; and our Total Other (Rental) Expenses were 0.

We did make our annual 670 – Federal: $11,131. and 675 – Franchise: $5,532. tax payments totaling $16,663. so our Net Income saved for Capital Maintenance is presently $19,703. which is $7,487 below or 73% of our budget estimate which will even out over the next 8 months.

4) Architectural Change: Board unanimously approved relocation of vent for dryer machine through soffit in downstairs bathroom at 11-A N. San Marcos Road. Vent on the outside will be higher than where it is currently located.

5) Manager Karel de Veer presented the results of the survey regarding the Rec Area remodel. 24 residents voted yes and 35 residents voted no to remodel the Rec Area. Residents comments include cost, liability and equipment breaking down. No residents presented other suggestions for use of this area besides the fitness area which was presented at the July 18 board meeting. The board decided to table the issue for now and maybe review it later if other options are presented by the residents.

6) Discussion was held regarding tree issues. The board agreed to take out two of the five Sycamore trees in section two across from the mailboxes. A request was made to take out a Eucalyptus tree in section three. The board requested that the neighbors be contacted before this tree is taken out.

7) Mike Porter brought up the subject of board members knowing who the new residents are. The board discussing ways to greet our new residents and welcome them into the community. The board requested that names and contact information of the new residents be included in the monthly packet for the board meetings. Members of the board will contact the new residents and make sure that they have copies of the rules and answer any questions which they may have.

8) A resident requested that the agenda be sent out with meeting notice. More residents may come to the meeting if they knew what was on the agenda. Manager Karel de Veer noted that the agenda may not be finalized when the meeting notice is sent out by email. A suggestion was made that a preliminary agenda could be sent out with the meeting notice.

9) Maintenance Manager Kent Harris requested that the pool area be closed at 9:00 P.M. instead of 10:00 P.M. during the winter months when the pool is not heated. The board agreed to this request with the provision that a notice be posted with the change in hours before implementation.

10) Several residents have inquired about central air conditioning. Residents are encouraged to submit to the office any information they have regarding central air conditioning in their units so other residents can learn what their neighbors did.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be on Wednesday, November 28 at 7:00 P.M. There will not a board meeting in December. The annual holiday party is scheduled for Wednesday, December 5 at 6:00 P.M. in the clubhouse.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.

Submitted by Mike Porter, Secretary