150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, June 16, 2021

MEETING on June 16, 2021

Dawn Lucian (President), Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Mike Porter (Treasurer), Chad Lindblad (Secretary), Ken Masuda (Member at Large), Manager Daniel Ortiz, and Five Homeowners were in attendance.

The meeting was called to order by Dawn Lucian at 7:00 P.M.

1) Approved minutes of May 19, 2021 meeting

2) Financial report presented by Mike Porter and approved by the board
May 2021 Financial Report: The fiscal year ends on June 30, 2021. At the end of May 2021 our total income is $709,113 or 99.2% of our budget plan of $715,008. A portion of the variance is due to CD income is lower than plan due to the low CD rates currently being paid. CD interest as of June 30, 2021 will be included on our June 2021 fiscal year end report. Miscellaneous charges and transfer fees are higher than plan by $2,490. Our total operating expenses are $552,798 or 91.5% of our budget plan of $604,190. Grounds/Maintenance Materials are under budget by $33,109. Projects currently being worked will reduce the variance by the end of the fiscal year. Water is over budget by $7,010 but the combined other utilities are under budget by $8,641. Pest control is under budget by $9,540.

3) Daniel gave report addressing bees building hives in roofs in San Antonio Village. The Board discussed hiring a service offered by a well-known local professional to relocate bees, therefore resulting in fewer hives being built under roofs.

4) Daniel addressed moving forward with a lien on a unit in San Antonio Village due to consecutive missed HOA dues, per San Antonio Village policy.
The Board approved a motion to move forward with the lien on parcel number 067-470-012.

5) The Board discussed the San Antonio Village Summer gathering in lieu of the winter 2020 gathering.

6) The Board discussed speed efforts to remind residents to monitor driving speed in the village.

7) Daniel gave an update on the upcoming repair to the column at the entrance to section two, and replacing the stop sign also at the entrance of section two.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm

Submitted by Chad Lindblad, Secretary