Board Meeting, January 19, 2022
Minutes for the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting of January 19, 2022
The meeting was called to order by President Dawn Lucian at 7:00 pm. Other Board members present were Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Ken Masuda (Secretary), Mike Porter (Treasurer), and John Carter (Member at Large); also present were Daniel Ortiz (Manager) and 8 homeowners.
1. The Board approved the minutes of the November 17, 2021 meeting.
2. Mike Porter presented the financial report for the first six months of 2021-22.
Mike reported that Net Ordinary Income and Expenses shows an operating surplus of approximately $45,000. In the expenditure category; Legal Fees are $8,500 over budget, however approximately $7,700 will be reimbursed to the Association. He reminded everyone that Federal and State tax payments are under budget by $12,000 because these payments will now be made in June of each year. Finally, Pest Control expenditures, currently under budget by $5,470, will show a lower variance in the future as some termite tenting is planned.
Following his presentation, the Board approved the July-December financial report.
3. Updated Spa Rules.
The Board and residents discussed this item. No action was taken.
4. Smoking on Property.
Most discussion centered on extending the no smoking area from just the Recreation Center to all of the SAV common area. A final decision by the Board will be made at the next Board meeting.
5. Security Issues and Solutions.
The Manager presented some information. Following discussion, the Board took no action regarding some of the proposed solutions including more cameras, gated entryways, and a night patrol. The idea of having the Sheriff’s Department make a presentation at a residents meeting will be explored.
6. Architectural Change Requests. The Board approved the following requests:
a. Unit 27B (Skylight Tube). Moved by Mike Porter
b. Unit 57B (Sliding Glass Door and Windows) Moved by Diane Kirchner
c. Unit 61B (Skylight) Moved by Dawn Lucian
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Submitted by Ken Masuda, Secretary
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- Minutes