150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, March 20, 2024

Minutes for the San Antonio Village Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting on March 20, 2024

The board meeting was called to order by President Dawn Lucian at 7:00pm. Other board members present were Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Mike Porter (Treasurer), Cindy Capra (Secretary) and Emilie Dressaire (member at large). Also present were Daniel Ortiz (manager) and 6 other homeowners.

1. A motion was made by Mike Porter and seconded by Dawn Lucian for the approval of minutes from prior meeting held on February 21, 2024.

2. Financials: Financials will be completed by end of week; next month we will review February and March 2024. Highlight: current water bill $10,800 instead of $12k or $13k. Improvements due to focused campaign to save. No leaks in landscaping piping confirmed.

3. Management Report: Daniel reviewed some of the 2024 accomplishments.

a. There has been water usage improvements overall.
b. Recreation room entryway bookends: too much damage, installed a new post inside of the rec room and will be completed in next few weeks. Refrigerator had to be removed because it is too large for new space, perhaps extend counter top in area. Another idea was to remove the oven and replace with refrigerator. Different ideas, lots of options.
c. 5 landscaping upgrades, 5 trees trimmed.
d. Units in transition: 41B closed, 17A is privately selling home.
e. 2 fences were replaced or fixed.
f. 7 more building roof replacements planned in next few months.
g. Main deck of pool to be deck-o-sealed next week. Wading pool will be resurfaced on April 29, 2024.

4. Pool Discussion:
a. Solar will be set at 90, pool heater will be set to 84.
b. Pool conduct or noise violation: first a verbal warning will be issued, then a written warning for a second violation — at which time pool key fob will be temporarily deactivated pending meeting with the board for discussion/resolution.
c. Guest rules – Sticking to 3 guests per unit.
d. Pool toys – Daniel will send photos of acceptable toys. Main concern is boogie boards and other water toys that are too large and encourage unsafe behavior.
e. Newsletter will have suggested times for pool exercising.
f. The pool heating will be turned on around May 1st (end of April) and be turned off around end of September (subject to change depending on weather conditions).

5. Annual Budget Financial Workshop: scheduled for Wednesday 4/10/24 at 6pm. Reserve Study was sent out to Board members, will review at workshop. Process is to review budget line by line, present recommendations and then have a discussion. Approval of new fiscal year budget set for 4/17 meeting. Annual statement and budget required to be out 30 days prior to new fiscal year beginning 7/1/2024.

Meeting adjourned 7:45pm
Submitted by Cindy Capra