150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, April 17, 2024

Minutes for the San Antonio Village Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting on April 17, 2024

The Board meeting was called to order by President Dawn Lucian at 7:00pm. Other Board members present were Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Mike Porter (Treasurer), Cindy Capra (Secretary) and Emilie Dressaire (member at large). Also present were Daniel Ortiz (Manager) and 8 residents.

1. A motion was made by Dawn Lucian and seconded by Mike Porter to approve the prior meeting minutes held on March 20, 2024.

2. Financials

a. Total Income still slightly short of budget due to interest income not being booked yet.
b. Admin expenses are at 97.5% of budgeted.
c. Grounds landscaping at 98%
d. Maintenance 118%: repairs/maintenance material over by $21,532. This is due mostly to the repair of carports.
e. Utilities 101%: variance is mostly due to water usage cost; rain has helped, less irrigation.

3. Manager’s Notes:
a. Switching to a new Homeowners’ assessment payment system – ACH system. Will bypass USPS and directly send payments electronically to PWB. Once in place, Homeowners will receive information about setting up payments online.
b. Kim Scott will pick up the accounting duties for the Association.
c. State Farm is dropping earthquake insurance from the general liability policy. Premium will go down, but we will shop for supplemental earthquake insurance from another carrier.
d. It was suggested that we invite Paul Cashman from State Farm to the Association meeting to talk about the master policy, what the deductible is and what coverage looks like – before the end of the year.

4. Architectural Change Request (5058A): two small new windows proposed for unit (South side of building). Dawn moved, Emilie seconded, all approved.

5. 2024-2025 Budget Final Approval:

Cindy Capra suggested that if there was going to be a $50 increase in dues that at least 50% or $25 per month be allocated to the reserves. The reserve study recommends a $15 increase in contribution. Cindy suggested reducing the repairs/maintenance budget line that was increased for the new fiscal year because expenses ran over as noted. The $50 increase was approved 3 to 2 as is. The allocation to the reserve will be $15/month, the remaining $35 per month will be integrated into the increased monthly operating budget.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm

Respectfully submitted by Cindy Capra, Secretary