150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting, February 17, 2021


MEETING ON February 17, 2021

Dawn Lucian (President), Diane Kirchner (Vice President), Mike Porter (Treasurer), Chad Lindblad (Secretary), Ken Masuda (Member at Large), Daniel Ortiz (Manager), Kent Harris (Maintenance Supervisor), and three homeowners were also in attendance.

The meeting was called to order by Dawn Lucian at 7:00 P.M.

1) Approved minutes of January 20, 2021 meeting

2) January financial report presented by Mike Porter and approved by the board:
Financial Report: The fiscal year is from July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021. We have completed 58.3% of the fiscal year as of month end January 2021. At the end of January 2021 our total income is $451,947 or 99.3% of our budget plan of $455,030. The variance is due to CD income is only booked when a CD matures. We are also under our income plan for recreation room and transfer fee charges by $1,085. Our total operating expenses are $357,262 or 90.9% of our budget plan of $392,812. Grounds/Maintenance Materials are under budget by $21,410. Water is over budget by $7,750 but the combined other utilities are under budget by $4,371. Pest control is under budget by $5,890. Federal, State and Property taxes are under budget by $9,158. All Federal, State and Property taxes have been paid for the fiscal year.

3) Manager Daniel Ortiz gave a report, including:
– Future repairs for the pool deck and resurfacing the pool
– Repairs to be made to individual carports that collect large amounts of rainwater
– Master tree plan, potentially harmful pests on trees, and trimming
– Several units up for sale in San Antonio Village

Meeting Adjourned 7:34 pm
Submitted by Chad Lindblad, Secretary