150 150 San Antonio Village

Annual Meeting Sept. 21, 2011

SEPTEMBER 21, 2011

The Annual Meeting of the San Antonio Village Homeowners Association held on September
21, 2011 was called to order at 7:30pm by President Dawn Lucian. Present were Board Members
Bettina Johnson, Lynn Nichols, Peter Sturken and Carey Rogers; Manager Karel de Veer, and fifteen

Call for Quorum: Karel de Veer announced that a quorum of homeowners was present with attendance
and proxies.

Nominations for 2011-12 Board: All of the existing directors were candidates for re-election and
each one gave a short presentation of their experience and time on the Board. There were no other

Annual Reports: Lynn Nichols gave the Year End Financial Report. We contributed $118,000 into the
Reserve Funds for fiscal year 2010-2011. Major expenditures for this year included a new motor for
the spa and resurfacing the pools and decks. Fees should stay the same for next year even though our
water costs will go up because of the rate increases by the Goleta Water District.

Board of Directors’ Report. Keeping the three gardeners on staff all year has resulted in improved
maintenance of the grounds and we have received many positive comments from homeowners
about the improvement. Re-keying of the access gates to the pools was completed. There has been a
noticeable increase in trash recycling since Marborg Industries began providing the service for free.
Homeowners are encouraged to go to our website SAVillage.com to review minutes of the Board
meetings and financial reports.

In answer to a homeowner’s question, Karel said our units are approximately 82% owner occupied.

Election Results: Manager Karel de Veer announced that Dawn Lucian, Peter Sturken, Bettina
Johnson, Carey Rogers and Lynn Nichols were re-elected for a one-year term.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carey Rogers, Secretary