150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting February 15, 2012


The Homeowners Association Meeting held on February 15, 2012 was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President Dawn Lucian. Present were Board Members Carey Rogers, Bettina Johnson and Jeff Litherhand; Manager Karel De Veer, Tim Hodgson and two homeowners.

1. Minutes of the January 18, 2012, meeting were approved.

2. Treasurer Bettina Johnson gave the financial report. Our income for the year to date is at 99.4% and total expense is 82.2% of budget. Categories over budget, such as legal fees & worker’s compensation insurance, were explained in the December treasurer’s report. Categories under budget are normal seasonal fluctuations.

3. No new items.

4. The Board received one architectural change request from 5060-B Calle Real for new windows and sliding doors to be installed by Bella View. Request approved.

5. The manager reported that a project to prune all the liquid ambers and jacarandas in SAV is currently underway. He also reported that he and Tim had been working with an arborist to develop a long-range strategy for the removal of trees that have exceeded their normal life expectancy. The plan would identify trees that could fall in windstorms and some that are causing problems because of their roots. The preliminary draft of the plan, including cost estimates for removal and replacements, will be presented at the March Board meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:21 P.M.

Carey Rogers, Acting Board Secretary