150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting May 15, 2015


1) Board Vice President Peter Sturken called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. In attendance were Board members: Bettina Johnson and Joel Naftali.

2) The April 15, 2015 minutes were approved.

3) Treasurer, Bettina Johnson gave the Financial Report:

Last month at the three quarters mark of our SAV fiscal year I reported on specific line items where spending has been considerably under projections:

Our general liability insurance rate increase was low. Grounds Materials expenses were lower while Tim coordinated our Capital Project. Salaries and Benefits were lower because of the Workman•s Comp case. Higher water usage projected for the drought was reduced due to some rain.

All of these savings continue to rise month to month.

But there are small items coming in under projections as well, so speaking now in broader terms:
• Our Total Administrative expenses are $12,455 under projections
• Total Grounds/Landscaping is $10, 056 under,
• Total Maintenance is $3,649 under,
• and Total Utilities $7,227 under

So while the Total Capital Project was $16,079 over budget for reasons reported previously, our current Total Expense figure of $582,048 is $17,288 under projections in a year including a $144,479 Capital Project.

In conclusion, with our Total Income of $545,313 at 101% or $3,863 above expectations, we have so far this year spent $21,151 less than the projected estimate of $57,886 over our regular budget needs.

I was enormously interested to see the Noaa depictions of an El Nino system in the east Pacific off South American which is contributing to the drought breaking drenching of Texas, and which gives California an 80 % chance of additional rain as early as this summer.

4) Architectural Requests – None

5) New Business • The manager reported that the Goleta Water District had announced the proposed rates and drought surcharge that would become effective on July 1, 2105. The base commodity rate of $5.25 will remain the same. In addition, a Stage 3 drought surcharge will be applied to all accounts.
The best estimate at this time reflects an additional cost to San Antonio Village of $30,000 during the next fiscal year (2015-16).

6) Old Business • The manager reported that a packet has been mailed to all owners outlining the proposed changes to the CC&Rs along with a ballot and voting and mailing instructions. The League of Woman Voters has agreed to serve as the monitor for the voting. The League will provide weekly updates of the list of owners that have voted.

7) Old Business – The Board took under consideration a request from the owners of 1-A North San Marcos Rd to have the perimeter fence raised to a height of six feet starting at the corner of Calle Real and continuing for thirty feet north on San Marcos Rd. The owners stated that they would absorb the cost. After a period of discussion, the Board tabled any action until they could further research the proposal.

The Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 P. M.

Submitted by Karel de Veer, Manager