150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting April 20, 2016


The meeting was called to order at 7:pm; Bettina Johnson, Treasurer, Dawn George, President, Lynn Nichols, Secretary, and Peter Sturken
Vice-president were in attendance.

1) The Minutes for the March, 2016 meeting were approved.

2) Bettina gave a Treasurer’s Report.

3) Old Business: Karel reported he had had no complaints regarding the new fee amount. Water, of course will remain a variable.

4) Architectural Change Requests:
a) 3B N. San Marcos: replacement of windows and slider-approved;
b) 23B N. San Marcos: replacement of windows and slider-approved.

Karel reiterated that we have approved in the past the small openings for in-room air conditioners and that policy will continue . He also reiterated our policy regarding removing trees
at an owner’s request: We only cut/remove trees that are a hazard.

5) Karel said we have settled the claim regarding the destruction of an awning.

6) We scheduled May 11, 2016 , for the next meeting.
Submitted by Lynn Nichols, Secretary