San Antonio Village

150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting May 20, 2009

SAN ANTONIO VILLAGE BOARD MEETING MINUTES FOR MAY 20, 2009 The May 20, 2009 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association was called to order at 7:30pm by Board President, Dawn Lucian.  Also present were Board Members Peter Sturken,…

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150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Apr. 15, 2009

SAN ANTONIO VILLAGE BOARD MEETING MINUTES FOR APRIL 15, 2009 The April 15, 2009 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association was called to order at 7:30pm by Board President, Dawn Lucian.  Also present were Board Members Peter Sturken,…

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150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Mar. 18, 2009

SAN ANTONIO VILLAGE BOARD MEETING MINUTES FOR MARCH 18, 2009 The March 18, 2009 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association was called to order at 7:30pm by Board President, Dawn Lucian.  Also present were Board Members Bettina Johnson,…

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150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Feb. 18, 2009

SAN ANTONIO VILLAGE BOARD MEETING MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 18, 2009 The February 18, 2009 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association was called to order at 7:30pm by Board President, Dawn Lucian.  Also present were Board Members Peter Sturken,…

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150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Jan. 21, 2009

SAN ANTONIO VILLAGE BOARD MEETING MINUTES FOR JANUARY 21, 2009 The January 21, 2009 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association was called to order at 7:30pm by Board President, Dawn Lucian.  Also present were Board Members Peter Sturken,…

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150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Dec. 17, 2008

SAN ANTONIO VILLAGE BOARD MEETING MINUTES FOR DECEMBER 17, 2008 The December 17, 2008 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners’ Association was called to order at 7:30pm by Board President, Dawn Lucian.  Also present were Board Members Pat Snyder,…

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150 150 San Antonio Village

Board Meeting Nov. 17, 2008

SAN ANTONIO VILLAGE BOARD MEETING MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER 17, 2008 The November 17, 2008 meeting of the San Antonio Village Owners Association was called to order at 8:00pm.  Present were Board President Dawn Lucian and Board members Peter Sturken, Bettina…

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150 150 San Antonio Village

San Antonio Village Owners’ Association Rules

Welcome to San Antonio Village. We hope that you will enjoy living in this community. This booklet has been developed to acquaint you with information that will enable you to live in harmony with your neighbors. There are 152 units…

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